You may have grown a lot of plant varieties in your garden or indoors using the normal gardening soil. But do you have any succulents? Did you find it difficult to grow succulents at home? And do you know the actual culprit that hampered the growth of your plant? The…

The string of dolphins whose scientific name is Senecio Peregrinus belongs to the Asteraceae family. The plant is commonly known as the dolphin plant and the dolphin necklace as the leaves of this beautiful succulent resembles a pod of jumping dolphins. It is a hybrid plant made by crossbreeding strings…

'Mother of Thousands' plant whose scientific name is Kalanchoe Daigremontiana is a not so common Succulent that belongs to Madagascar. It is also known as the Alligator plant, Mexican Hat Plant, and the Devil's backbone which is a part of the Crassulaceae Family. The large pointed blue-green-colored leaves grow up…

Crassula Plant Benefits encourages people to plant this beautiful succulent at homes and offices. The official name of the jade plant is Crassula Ovata but is commonly known by some other names like Money Plant, Dollar Plant, Lucky Plant, and Lucky tree, etc. The plant has fresh, glossy, green foliage…