Though to some the appearance of the Sansevieria might not seem as enticing, they make a great ornamental low-maintenance house or office plant. The best thing about the Sansevieria plant, however, is the fact that you can choose from a variety of about 70 or so species as well as multiple cultivar varieties.
Popular types of Sansevieria Plant
Here are some most common and popular sansevieria types that you should know before buying from nurseries choose wisely Choose among these sansevieria or snake plants and decor your green home.
1. Sansevieria Trifasciata
The common name for the Sansevieria trifasciata is the snake plant because of the snake-like appearance of the leaves. It is also referred to as the Viper’s Bowstring Hemp or Mother-in-law’s tongue plant.
It can grow in conditions of low light and with little watering and has a very high tolerance. The plant has a very purification quality, which helps rid the air in your house or office of toxins. There are a high number of cultivars to choose from including Black Gold Superba, Hahnii, Silver Queen, Whitney, and Laurentii. It is also mildly toxic to house pets such as cats and dogs if ingested.
2. Sansevieria Robusta
Commonly referred to as the Robusta snake plant, it has short, stiff, variegated leaves with dark and light green color variance lines cutting across horizontally. It grows best in the shade and can survive well with low watering.
3. Sansevieria Fernwood
This has one of the most beautiful appearances. Its leaves have a tiger-fur print and a fern-like appearance. They can grow to a considerable height of up to about 60 cm. It requires low maintenance and care.
4. Sansevieria Metallica
The leaves have a tall, slender and metallic appearance, from where it derives its name. It can grow in low light and with low watering but does not survive well at extremely low temperatures.
Also read: The Philosophy of Sansevieria Snake Plant Care
5. Sansevieria ayo ‘Crown’
It has about 4 or 5 leaves that grow around each other in an open, crown-like appearance to a considerable height of up to 50 cm. It can grow in low light and watering conditions.
6. Sansevieria zeylanica
It has very long (up to 75 cm) leaves, with light green or white spots and lines cutting horizontally across from the midrib on either side. It’s low maintenance and should be watered about once a month in winter.
7. Sansevieria Aubrytiana
The father-in-law tongue has wide and fairly long leaves with white spots, that grow in clumps around each other. It is a low-maintenance ornamental plant with a fairly strong and appealing scent.
Also read: Snake Plant Benefits: Why you Should Add one to your Home Today
8. Sansevieria Cylindrica
The common name is the cylindrical snake plant since its leaves have a cylindrical snake-like appearance. It requires little watering, about once a week in ideal conditions, and can survive in low light conditions. There are various cultivars to choose from including Skyline and Skyline eccentric, among others.
We hope, things are clear now about different types of sansevieria plants which help you to identify the right one as per your need to make your home green and beautiful.
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