Calathea plant is one of the best plants that can thrive in indoor conditions and at the same time adds more greenery to your indoor space. The plant belongs to the Marantaceae family and there are 300 species of this plant available in the world. The plant belongs to the…

Hoya Carnosa 'Compacta' is native to South Asia and Australia and it is commonly known as "Hindu Rope Plant". Some other names for beautiful hanging plants include, Porcelain Flower, Krinkle Kurl, or Wax plant, and each name represents its unique feature. The Hoya plant has more than 300 species but…

Lipstick plants are native to Southeast Asia. You can find them growing through the cracks of branches from the trees. They have heavy foliage which is why they are the perfect plants to grow in containers or hanging baskets. If given enough humidity, warmth and sunlight, these lipstick plant varieties…

Sedum Makinoi limelight is indeed a low-growing shrub with spectacular, lemon-green leaves. This shaped evergreen packets up to 4 inches high and around 24 inches long, filled in yellow flowers throughout summer. Sedum is an annual shrub with dense, delectable, fleshy stems and clumps of shaped petals. Below are the…