Monstera Minima is a tropical plant that belongs to the Monstera genus and is known for its tiny beautiful foliage. Monstera Minima looks like a compact version of Monstera Deliciosa with similarly shaped leaves. Also, the plant may look like a Monstera but it is actually a member of the Araceae family. With the deliciosa, you need a bigger space to accommodate the plant but the Monstera Minima takes lesser space while giving you the same vibe and appearance.

Monstera Minima is a fast-growing indoor vining plant that adapts really well to indoor conditions. While growing indoors, your Monstera plant can attain a maximum height of 6 to 8 feet with 6-8 inches long leaves. As it is a climbing plant, once you provide climbing supports indoors, you will see how fast the plant thrives.
Factual Information
- Scientific Name: Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
- Common Names: Mini monstera, Monstera minima, Philodendron “Piccolo”, Philodendron Minima
- Family: Araceae
- Origin: Asia, Africa
- Mature Size: Indoors – 6-8 feet tall, Outdoors – 15-20 feet tall.
- Plant Type: Vine
- Suitable For: Indoors, Outdoors
- Bloom Time: Spring – Summer
- Difficulty: Easy to grow
- Hardiness Zone: 9b – 12b
- Toxicity: Poisonous
How to Care for Monstera Minima (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma)?
Monstera Minima are generally low maintenance and very easy to care for. You can grow them indoors with minimal care if you provide them with tropical conditions at home. Don’t worry, it is quite easy to resemble the same environment at home. If you ever had monstreas at home before, it might be easier for you to take care of the Monstera Minima plant.
- Soil: The monstera minima plant is happy growing in a well-draining, nutrient-rich, and slightly acidic soil with pH levels ranging from 5.5 to 7. You can take the regular potting mix, perlite, or orchid bark to make the soil mix perfect for your plant. Or you can make a high-quality soil mix for even better results by adding 5 parts of orchid barks, 4 parts of coir, 5 parts of perlite, 2 parts of activated charcoal, and 2 parts of worm castings.
- Water: To keep your plant healthy, make sure you keep the soil moist. Keep checking that the soil is not soggy or it never dries out. If you have proper drainage in your pot and your plant is getting an adequate amount of sunlight, the process should be done every 7 to 10 days. You can check the top two inches of the soil; if it feels dry to the touch, it is time for another watering session. When you are watering the plant, slowly add water to the soil until it starts getting out from the drainage holes.
- Light: The plant thrives well in bright but indirect light which is what it gets under the shades of big trees in tropical forests. While planting indoors, make sure you mimic the same light conditions by placing it near a window that gets a good amount of bright sunlight. Some amount of direct sunlight is fine but avoid direct sunlight during the afternoon, otherwise, your plant will end up with burnt leaves.
- Temperature & Humidity: Since monstera minima are tropical plants, warm, humid environments are ideal for them. As long as conditions don’t go below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, regular household conditions are sufficient for these tropical plants. When planted indoors, though, they typically benefit from some additional humidity. Try setting the plant’s pot on a pebble tray or putting a humidifier close by to raise the humidity level. You might also try taking your plant with you when you take a bath so you can occasionally take a steam bath.
- Fertilizer: As a result of their rapid growth, these plants require a regular supply of nutrients to support their thick stems, gorgeous green leaves, and strong roots. It’s advisable to start feeding about a month once you purchase your plant because a healthy monstera minima may easily consume all of the minerals in its gardening soil in only a few months. A light liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio similar to 5-2-3 is what we advise for the plant.
Q1: How often should you water Monstera minima?
Water your Monstera Minima plant once a week and wait till the top two inches feel dry for another watering session.
Q2: How much light does a monstera minima need?
Medium but bright indirect light is preferred for the plant and always avoid the bright direct sunlight.
Q3: Do Monstera minima like the sun?
The plant likes the sun in the morning when the sunlight is not very warm but it never appreciates the direct sunlight in the afternoon or mid-day.
Monstera Minima (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma) Propagation
Stem cuttings are the most acceptable method for propagating mini monstera. This is an excellent strategy to reuse any trimmings to grow a new plant or expand out your present plant if you ever need to prune your plant back to limit its size. Use stem cuttings to multiply your plant by following these easy steps:
- Step 1: Pick a stem cutting from a matured, healthy plant with a minimum of 2-3 nodes along the stem using a sharp and clean pair of pruning scissors or shears.
- Step 2: Discard any leaflets from the bottom one or two branches of the stem, then fill a glass or small vase with water and put the exposed nodes in water.
- Step 3: Put the stem cuttings in a spot with moderate but bright indirect sunlight, and replace the water every week.
- Step 4: Once you witness that the cuttings have developed 1-2 inches long roots, you can transfer the cuttings to the soil mixture.
- Step 5: To assist the new roots to become used to flourishing in soil, keep the soil continuously moist.
Although technically not a monstera, monstera minima (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma) is a stunning plant that will look fantastic in your room and blend in beautifully with the other monstera and aroids. Even if you are a novice gardener, you won’t face any major difficulty in maintaining the plant throughout its lifespan. Keep in mind that the plant is toxic and keep it away from the reach of small children and pets. Get a Monstera Minima and uplift your whole interior decor now!!
Q4: Should I Re-pot my mini Monstera?
Yes, these plants are quick growers and you need to be prepared to repot them occasionally ahead of the spring season.
Q5: Why do I see yellow leaves on my Monstera Minima?
Yellow leaves could be a reason for problems like lack of sunlight, overwatering, and improper soil mixture.