Most of you are familiar with this wonderful indoor plant, “Hindu Rope Hoya”. This plant is also known as Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ or ‘Krinkle Kurl’. It’s a fascinating hanging plant. And has characteristic coiled leaves that distinguish it from the parent plant.

If you’re searching for something low-maintenance, a Hindu rope plant can be a good option. To survive, they only require the right potting mix, a moderate amount of temperature, and bright, moderate sunlight.
If you desire a Hindu Rope Hoya plant but don’t know how to propagate the Hoya plant, don’t worry!
Here are three simple ways to show you how to propagate a Hindu Rope HoyaCompacta plant. But not only that, but you are also going to know about how you can be careful with the Hoya plant.
Ways to Propagate Hindu Rope Hoya Plant
Growing Hindu rope plants from seed are extremely difficult, and there is no certainty that the new plant will look exactly like the original. As a result, you can go for these three methods for growing as advised.
Here are the three methods you can try to propagate the Hindu Rope Hoya plant. These ways are already been tried by experts and have got successful also.
The first two ways are easy, as above mentioned, and the last one is a bit tricky and time-consuming. But you can achieve the result from it.
1. Hindu Rope Hoya Propagation in Water
How to Hindu Rope Hoya propagation into the water, trim off a section of vine that includes at least one node and one set of leaves with a clean pair of sharp scissors (more if possible). Place the cutting in a jar of room-temperature water, with at least one node immersed, and cut the old leaves that become submerged. (The node is where new roots will emerge.)
Place the jug/jar in a well-lit, indirect place. Fill the water back up every week or so when it runs low, and change it altogether when it becomes filthy. When the roots are a few inches long, transfer them to their final container.
Always prefer to wait until the roots are around three inches in length. This will most likely take several weeks, if not months, so be patient! After moving it, carefully water it and treat it as you would any other plant.
2. Hindu Rope Hoya Propagation in Potting Mix Soil
Place the clippings in a tiny container filled with moistened potting mix. Follow the same fundamental steps as before: take off a section of vine that includes at least one node and one set of leaves with a tidy pair of sharp scissors. Insert the cut into wet potting soil, ensuring that at least one node and no leaves are submerged. (The node is where new roots will emerge).
Place it in bright, indirect light and keep the mix moist even as the roots grow. To enhance humidity levels and speed up the cutting process, spray the chopping as needed or place a clear plastic bag over the top.
After about a month, check on the cutting to see how the root system is doing. Give it a moderate tug to test for resistance. If you feel resistance, the roots have formed, and you should treat the cut as you would any other plant. However, bear in mind that it might take many months for the roots to form.
3. Hindu Rope Hoya Propagation by Layering
This treatment is a little challenging, but it is worth it. To begin with, this approach has always been effective for stacking Hoya propagation. However, this is not air layering; it is a completely different mechanism of transmission.
Simply pin a softwood plant stem that is still connected to the mother into such a container of the slight mix. Ascertain that the mixture is completely hydrated. The majority of the time, small roots will form on the main stem, which is what you want to get on top of the mix.
If you see no roots, simply pin the softwood stems down, and they will appear. Again, use stems no more than 12′′ in a 4′′ container and have utilized up to 5 of them. Place it in bright light (but not direct sunlight) to prevent the mixture from drying out. By the way, green or floral pins can also be used. The pins work great and, for most situations, may be reused.
Well, How Make a Hindu Rope Plant Grow
Stay patient with just a new plant, because it may take a few years before it begins to bloom. If you’ve waited a few seasons and haven’t seen any blooms, keep the following in mind:
- Regarding Hindu rope plants, far too much direct, bright sunshine can cause foliage to scorch. If they don’t get enough light, the growth would be slow, and they may not produce any flowers.
- However, this plant can withstand prolonged periods of drought, if it is left dried for an extended period of time, it may develop flower loss or no blooms in any way. Similarly, overwatering might result in bud fall.
- Overfeeding is prevalent in these species and can lead to relatively small leaves that have become crumpled and unattractive, as well as a shortage of blossoms.
Common Issues with the Hindu Rope Plant
Waterlogged circumstances are a major issue for this plant, causing flower loss and root rotting. The need to feed this plant carefully cannot be overemphasized. You may encounter further problems with the Hindu rope plant.
- Yellow Leaf
- Plant Wilting
If you are unable to propagate Hoya cuttings but still desire a plant, then you can buy a Hoya plant from your local nursery.
Did you ever try to propagate Hoya earlier? What strategy has worked well for you? Or else, try these methods right away!
Q1: Why is the plant well-known for being a Hindu rope plant?
Given that Hoya Compacta is a native of East Asia and has tightly packed leaves that resemble rope, people refer to this plant as the Hindu Rope plant.
Q2: How are Hindu rope plants propagated?
Start by cutting off a three-inch section of the Hindu rope plant to propagate it. Make sure to cut at one of the plant’s nodes and use clean shears. Plant the cutting in well-draining soil after that, and then wrap it in plastic to maintain a greater humidity level. Place a cutting area away from the sun’s direct rays. The cutting will begin to grow roots within a few weeks.
Q3: Which common names are used for Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’?
This plant is also known as the Hindu rope plant, Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta,’ Krinkle Kurl, and wax plant.
Q4: Why isn’t the Hindu rope plant expanding?
It should be noted that this plant grows very slowly. However, you might want to increase sunlight if your plant hasn’t moved at all in a few months to a year. You can fertilize your plant as it begins to grow, which will also aid in its development.