Anthurium Crystallinum: A Well-Liked Indoor Plant – Learn How to Propagate and Take Care of It

Due to their captivating beauty and distinctive appearance, anthuriums become more well-known day after day.

Tropical evergreens of the Crystallinum group have velvety-feeling leaves. Its leaves could be any color, but they typically appear in various tones of dark green, even purple. The lovely ornamental leaves on these tropical plants are highly appreciated.

Anthurium Crystallinum Plant

Many houses with houseplant enthusiasts prefer crystallinum since it is quite simple to care for.

The velvety, enormous, heart-shaped leaves of the native Crystallinum are covered with noticeable white veins, which grow at the edges of tropical rainforests in South and Central America. Although this plant seems native to tropical environments, with a little TLC, it may flourish in your home, living room, garden, or kitchen.

Anthurium crystallinum climbs on tress as is an epiphyte with aerial roots.

Its root system will cling toward the pole, so it gets bigger and sustains the plant. The stackable mossy pole is seen below, which you may use for houseplants. Since you can continue expanding it longer than other plants grow, this will assist the plant pile.

Ways of Anthurium Crystallinum Propagation

If this plant has fruit, you can use its fruit seed to start additional plants. 

You can spread the Crystal Anthurium via dividing or seed.

  • Purchase seeds or gather them first from berries of the spadix. The seeds should be sown in fertilized soil and given two to five weeks to sprout.
  • Crystallinum may also be multiplied by division. As soon even as plantlets emerge, detach them from the base of the plant for this purpose.
  • Next, split the lower stem of the plantlet in half. The plantlet needs roots along both divisions during healthy growth.
  • Before transplanting the two portions into separate pots, let each rest for almost a day. Till the plant stabilizes, keep the wound moist in the pots and treat it with watered, high-quality fertilizer.

Anthurium Crystallinum Trimming Tips

Daily anthurium trimming is necessary to maintain the plant’s health and erect posture. 

The stem can bow if older growth is allowed to stay in the plant’s health and erect posture. The stem can bow if older growth is allowed to stay on the plant, which could lead to stunting. The following are some pointers for pruning anthuriums safely: 

  • Scrutinize your plant, then start pruning from top to bottom. 
  • Get rid of any dead but discolored leaves. Cut wilted or dead flowers all the way here to the stem’s bottom. To make the plant look better, you can also remove any wayward leaves, but only after three to five have been removed. 
  • When possible, remove the elder leaves first. 
  • If they are not removed, suckers at the base will consume your plant’s energy. Trim suckers while they are young since larger ones could harm the base of the plant. Use high-quality cutting tools so that the plant does not become even more vulnerable to disease as well as pests by tearing and crushing stems.
  • Wipe cutting implements with rubbing alcohol or maybe a 10% bleach mixture after each cut to avoid bacterial contamination.

Anthurium Crystallinum Care Routines

The crystallinum needs only the following minimal maintenance:

  • Have used a loose, moisture-retaining potting mix that drains well.
  • Offer it strong light that’s filtered and bright light that’s indirect.
  • Always keep it wet.
  • Humidity plus warm temperatures should be provided.
  • During the planting period, apply a suitable houseplant fertilizer once per month, reduced by half.
  • Replant after a root-bound situation
  • Trim any leaves that are dead or withering.

Pests or Illnesses that Affect Anthurium Crystallinum

  • Anthuriums were prone to scales, insects, and yeasty bugs like the majority of houseplants.
  • Spray a little insecticidal soapy water on each of these critters you see.
  • Another option is to combine two tablespoons of neem oil with three teaspoons of mild liquid soap in around a gallon of water to create a straightforward neem oil solution.
  • Until all pests have disappeared, use this medication once each week for between two and three weeks.
  • A few disorders brought on by fungi and bacteria can affect anthuriums.
  • Overwatering is probably at blame if the plant develops burn scars or yellowed sores along the edges of its leaves. Using clean sheers, cut off the damaged leaves to prevent spreading the infection to neighbouring foliage.

Q: Differences Between Magnificum And Anthurium Crystallinum

Anthurium magnificum was as magnificent as its scientific name suggests, resembling a (very large) Anthurium crystallinum with clarinervium. The leaves get a smooth finish and are hefty and dense. Anthurium magnificum requires vertical assistance to achieve its maximum potential due to the mass of its massive foliage.

Also read: Monstera Minima: Tiny Yet Attractive Indoor Climbing Plant

Common Problems With Anthurium Crystallinum

  • Burn-like leaf stains: These are frequently bacterial infections, which are already spread by damp leaves or excessive watering. For many months, these are asymptomatic, but once they become apparent, they spread quickly. For sterile sheers, any infected leaves must be rapidly removed and dumped far from the area.
  • Margins of the leaves have yellowed lesions: Bacterial blight was present when the lesions became water-soaked, but also dark brown. The procedure is as stated earlier.
  • Unexpected yellow wilting, even on the healthy plants: Look at the roots If they’ve already passed away, water-logged soil seems to be the main factor in the propagation of such fungal infections as Pythium.

Q: What Separates Crystallinum from Anthurium Clarinervium?

Anthurium crystallinum but also Anthurium clarinervium vary, primarily because the former has narrower, brighter green leaves, whereas the latter produces broader, darker green leaves. Compared to Anthurium crystallinum, Anthurium clarinervium often has broader, deeper heart-shaped leaves.

You can see that Anthurium Crystallinum is a charming and unusual plant that will undoubtedly give your yard a fresh look.

It’s a tropical plant with an alluring appearance that would look fantastic in the kitchen, but also in the living room, as well as in your small outside garden.

That plant is ideal for anyone searching for a stunning, exotic plant that doesn’t require a lot of care because it is simple to maintain and report, and has minimal watering requirements.


Q1. How much light does an Anthurium crystallinum need?

Anthurium crystallinum requires 70-85% sunlight or availability zones to a strong light to thrive. Crystal Anthurium could be grown outside under a part of such a tree and perhaps a 20–40% shadow cloth. True to its name, this tropical annual yearns for longer hours. The winter requires caring for Anthurium crystallinum including artificial light.

Q2. Why are the anthurium crystallinum leaves turning yellow?

Low humidity, overwatering, excessive sunlight, poor soil quality, temperature stress, and insufficient fertilizer are some causes of yellowing on the anthurium leaves. To cure the problem and bring your plant back to full health, it is simple to find the cause.

Q3. How do you make anthurium crystallinum grow faster?

To help your plant develop faster, you could add some artificial or organic fertilizer. When the plant starts to expand, you can fertilize it once a week. After that, you ought to begin using it one or two times every month.

Q4. What is anthurium crystallinum silver blush?

Among the most popular varieties, anthurium crystallinum ‘Silver Blush’ is understandably popular because of its gorgeous, primarily silver leaf. The silky texture and pronounced silver color anywhere along the veins, as well as present on the round, heart-shaped, deep green leaves. This stunning anthurium seems to be a jewel for any decor!

By Greenkosh