Hoya Carnosa ‘Compacta’ is native to South Asia and Australia and it is commonly known as “Hindu Rope Plant“. Some other names for beautiful hanging plants include, Porcelain Flower, Krinkle Kurl, or Wax plant, and each name represents its unique feature. The Hoya plant has more than 300 species but the Hoya Compacta is considered as the most popular species among all. This beautiful plant is known for its draping vines, curly leaves, and thick ropes along with waxy foliage and striking blooms.

The plant is easy-to-care but it takes time to grow. With almost negligible amount of attention, you can enjoy the lush green foliage of this plant for several years and maybe for decades. The beautiful star-shaped, pinkish white flower cluster adds beauty to the overall appearance of this plant. You can see these ball-shaped flowers right from the early springs and it continues to bloom throughout the summers. You just have to be patient to enjoy its beautiful bloom.
How to Grow and Care Hoya Compacta Plant?
The plant grows specifically during the mid-spring season and continues to bloom throughout the summer season. During this time period it needs your special attention and care. Some tips for hoya compacta care right from its start and during its blooming period are listed below.
- Soil: Hoya compacta soil only requires a fast draining soil that does not get compacted and allows airflow into the roots of the plant. The soil must be lightweight and you can choose a small pot with drainage holes that can keep the roots of the plant tightly packed. If you wish to make your own mix, then you should create a mix of perlite, orchid bark, and peat for good drainage. For a humid climate use a coarser potting mixture and for dry conditions use a finer potting mixture.
- Water: Hoya compacta growth rate also depends on the water level, although the plant does not require much water to grow, but during 1st growing period from early springs till summers, you need to take good care of its water needs. The plant is semi-succulent and requires minimal watering during the winter phase when it is on resting mode. Use the flood and drain method for the plant. Flood the pot with water and allow the excess to drain out. However, if you’re using a watering tray or sink, make sure you don’t keep the plant in water for more than 15 minutes. Don’t let the soil remain soggy, make the surface of the soil dry out between watering.
- Light: The plant needs indirect sunlight for a maximum time of 6 hours in a day. Morning sunlight is more preferred for the house plants for optimum growth. If you are keeping the plant outside then make sure that you keep it in a shade where it comes with no direct sunlight. The plant cannot resist the direct sunlight as it will destroy the leaves and flowers. You can also use the artificial lights for growth, but make sure the light exposure must lie between 13-14 hours only.
- Temperature: The ideal temperature in the date time should be above 21 degree Celsius while at night maintain a temperature around 16-18 degree Celsius for best growth of Hoya Compacta. The minimum temperature should not go below 10 degree Celsius anyhow. The plant cannot grow happily in cold temperatures.
- Humidity: When it comes to humidity in the air, try to maintain humidity levels to 40-60%. The plant is native to hot and humid regions and it enjoys the humidity around it. With right humidity the leaves would appear glossy and fresh. If you are planting this plant indoors, group it with other plants or plant it near the bathroom or in the kitchen.
- Fertilizer: The plant does not need a high dose of fertilizer even during the blooming season but a light dose of diluted water-soluble fertilizer during the spring to summer time period is required for its optimum growth. If you want beautiful blooms in your plant, then use fertilizer high in potassium and add ¼ teaspoon of fertilizer in 1 gallon of water and fertilize it every 2-3 months. Do not fertilize the plant in its resting time phase i.e., winters.
- Potting: There are very less chances that you will need to repot this plant as it will not outgrow the pot if it is properly drained and the roots are packed with constant airflow. However, if you need to repot this plant then make sure you remove the soil from its roots and prune the damaged roots with pruning shears that are sterilized. You can repot it anytime during the spring to summer time but make sure the plant is not blooming as it may damage the hoya compacta flower and affect its bloom.
Also read: Haworthia Obtusa: Tiny Succulent Houseplants
How to Prune Hoya Carnosa ‘Compacta’ Plant?
An additional step to take care of your hoya plant is by pruning. It will help in making the overall appearance more clean and beautiful. While pruning make sure you do not remove the spur while cutting any stem as it will hamper the number of blooms. During the blooming time, flowers grow from both old and new spurs, but as compared to new spurs, old spurs are more likely to produce larger blooms. Cut off the dead stem or roots and remove the yellow leaves in this process. You can perform the pruning process in springs so that your plant can recover from this shock easily. Properly sterilize the pruning shears before getting into process.
Best Way to Propagate Hoya Carnosa ‘Compacta’
Once you are done with the pruning process Hoya Carnosa ‘Compacta’ propagation can be done with the stem cuttings.
- By the use of pruning shears, cut the tip of the plant that has at least some pair or leaves in it.
- Now remove the leaves from the lower side and let it dry, the white latex will get harder during the night.
- Put the lower end into water but do not let the leaves get into water. Or you can place it in a small pot with moisture in the growing medium.
- Use a plastic bag to cover the plant so that it retains the moisture.
- Put the cutting in a shaded place for some weeks, and after some time you will notice a growth over the soil.
- Now, it’s time to transport the plant into a new pot or container.
Q1: How to care for Hoya Carnosa ‘Compacta’?
Use a small pot with lightweight soil, put it away from direct sunlight, and water during its blooming season adequately.
Q2: How rare is a Hoya Compacta?
Out of the 300 hoya species, Hoya Compacta is the most popular species.
Q3: How often should you water Hoya Compacta?
During spring to summer, it needs regular watering and in winters minimal amount of watering is required.