Air Purifier Indoor Plants that Clean Your Home Indoor Air

There are several toxic chemicals lurking in your home and it is quite tough to get rid of them. You need to take steps against these harmful chemicals as these are very harmful and cause serious health problems like cancer, asthma and allergy. These chemicals may include glues, caulks, paints, stain repellents, carpet glues and many more. You can opt for cheap and environment friendly way to get rid of it. Yes, you can add some air purifier indoor plants that purify air at your home and create cleaner and safer atmosphere. Here we present some indoor plants, check it out:

Boston Ferns

It removes more toxic chemicals and air pollutant than any other air purifier plants. It is very efficient in removing pollutants like xylene, benzene, gasoline exhaust from garage and many harmful fumes. This is very particular plant and you need to feed them weekly in season when you plant it initially and monthly during the season of winter. It needs to be watered daily in summer season. It is luscious and healthy plant with long and feather like branches. It looks charming and beautiful and adds vibrancy to any space of your home. It is quite easy to flourish Boston Ferns from inside and outside of your home.

Palm Trees – Air Purifier Indoor Plants

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This plant is mainly helpful in removing air pollutants present in your home particularly formaldehyde and other chemicals that are easy to care for. Dwarf Date Palm is best in removing and control harmful chemicals. Bamboo Palm, Parlor Palm, Lady Palm and Areca Palm clean the air and offer you pollution free environment at home. These plants prefer cooler temperature in the range of 60 to 75 degree Fahrenheit.

Also read: Types of Hydroponic Plants for Indoor Cultivation

Rubber Plants and Janet Craigs

If you are looking for a natural touch and cleaner air then you can plant Rubber Plants and Janet Craigs as these plants grow slowly and tolerate very little sun light. These plants act as formaldehyde removers from your home or office. Rubber plant removes bio effluent and provides moisture. When this plant grows it eliminates toxic microorganism, bacteria and other toxic compounds from your home. Janet Craigs is effective in newly furnished and carpeted rooms where formaldehyde level keeps at highest level due to new furniture, windows, carpets and glues associated with them.

Peace Lily

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It is very beautiful plant with seashell shape and it brings a summer touch even into a dull winter. It removes benzene, formaldehyde and certain VOCs generally emitted by cleaning products. It likes low sunlight and high transpiration rate. Keep this plant away from pets and children as the leaves of Peace Lily can be poisonous.

There are several toxic chemicals lurking in your home and it is quite tough to get rid of them. You need to take steps against these harmful chemicals as these are very harmful and cause serious health problems like cancer, asthma and allergy. These chemicals may include glues, caulks, paints, stain repellents, carpet glues and many more. You can opt for cheap and environment friendly way to get rid of it. Yes, you can add some household plants that purify air at your home and create cleaner and safer atmosphere. Here we present some indoor plants, check it out:

Aloe Vera

This plant is very popular for its purification properties and effective at removal of formaldehyde and other air pollutants. It also enhances the beauty of your home and offers a pollution free environment.

Also read: 5 Easiest Fruit Plants to Grow Indoors

There are some more important indoor plants available in the market that assure pollution free aura at your home including Golden Pothos, Florists’ Mum and Gerbera Daisies, Dracaena plants, Spider plants and more.

By Greenkosh