Another beautiful plant from the Asteraceae family, the string of dolphins is a beautiful succulent plant that can be grown indoors in hanging baskets or vertical gardens. Senecio peregrinus is the botanical name of this plant species and it is a hybrid of Senecio Rowleyanus (string of pearls) and Senecio Articulatus (hot cactus dog). The curly leaves of this adorable plant resemble the shape of a pod of jumping dolphins.

These plants are majorly grown due to its interesting foliage rather than its beautiful flowers. A mature String of Dolphins plant can attain a height of 6 inches (15 cm). The plant is not safe for your pets and small children, so better keep them away. The plant blooms in the time of spring and develops white-pinkish colored flowers having a scent of cinnamon. Having this succulent plant in your room will give your beach vibes all day long.
The string of dolphins looks very much like the string of banana plants and both the plants are more famous for their fascinating foliage. However, the string of bananas vs string of dolphins is another big debate as they differ in many aspects even though they portray a similar outside look. Let’s know about the string of dolphins here.
How to Care ‘String of Dolphins‘ Plant?
If you want to grow a beautiful plant indoors you need to look at the string of dolphins care tips and follow them regularly. Although growing them is not a big task, some small things must be taken into consideration for optimal growth.
- Water: As a succulent plant the water requirements are not much but during their growing period water them regularly every two weeks and let the soil dry after every watering session to avoid root rot. The time from spring to early fall is their main growing season when they require proper watering, but they need less water in their dormant season (winters). You can water them once a month during that period.
- Light: The string of dolphins is not very fond of bright sunlight so keep them in a shady area where they can receive filters light all day long. The plant can easily get sunburn so avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. However, if you keep the plant indoors, keep it near a south-facing window where it receives morning sunlight for at least 6 hours.
- Soil: As it is a succulent plant, it does not enjoy its roots being wet for prolonged periods, so you need a well-drained soil mix for them. Place them in a pot that has drainage holes to avoid conditions of overwatering and the risk of root rot. You can put the succulent/cactus mix and put in a container and place your plant in that soil.
- Temperature & Humidity: The string of dolphins are a little different from other succulent plants as they can withstand colder conditions very well and tolerate temperatures as low as 4-degree celsius. They can be grown very easily in indoor conditions with favourable temperature and an adequate amount of humidity. During summers it is advised that you keep a maximum temperature of 22-degree celsius around them for good growth.
- Fertilizers: If you want to know how to take care of string of dolphins plants effectively then do not ever over-fertilize them as it will cause the leaves to lose the beautiful shape for which they are famous. You can use light fertilizer while they are in their growing period only. You can use organic fertilizers like fish emulsion or worm compost to avoid any problems.
Propagation – String of Dolphins
To propagate a string of dolphins, you can use the stem cuttings and put them in water or soil with 2-3 nodes for better success.
- Propagating in Soil: If you are propagating in soil, cut the stem of the mother plant with a sharp knife and take out a stem of around 5 inches. Remove the leaves from the stem to avoid rot. Let the cutting dry out and after that out that cutting in well-drained moist soil. Do not water it right away, wait for some days when the soil feels dry to touch and then spray some water on the plant.
- Propagating in Water: If you are propagating in water, take a sharp knife and cut around 5 inches of sturdy stem from the plant. Remove the leaves from the stem to avoid leaf rot. Place it in a Constantine or jar with water and within some weeks you will see the roots coming out of the stem. Take out the plant and put it in well-drained soil.
In detail: How to Propagate ‘String of Dolphins’ Plant
Common Diseases
If you see your string of dolphins dying then the most common problems must be the household bugs like the aphids, mealybugs, scale, and spider mites. They can cause severe damage to your plant, however if you treat them in an early stage you can restore your plant very quickly. Another reason can be overwatering, which certainly leads to root rot. For that you need a pot with drainage holes and let the soil dry out before another watering session.
Also read: Varieties & Benefits of Haworthia Succulent Plant
Buy String of Dolphins plant
The rare string of dolphins plant is available on many online websites. You can find a string of dolphins plant for sale on websites like Amazon, Plantmojo, and some other e-commerce sites. You can even search for nearby dealers who are selling this beautiful plant.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Why are my string of dolphins flat?
The reason may be too much water retention or the plant may be getting too little light in the room.
Q2: Where can I buy a string of dolphins?
You can find a string of dolphins plant easily on Amazon.
Q3: How often do you water a string of dolphins?
During their growing period water them every two weeks and during dormancy water them once in a month.