Anthurium Veitchii: How to Care, Major Varieties and Propagate this Majestic King

Anthurium Veitchii

Anthurium veitchii is a tropical epiphyte plant that belongs to the rainforests of Columbia. The plant is adored for its pendulous and large leaves that can reach up to 6 feet long. When grown indoors, the mature plant would produce leaves up to 3 feet only but definitely, but the plant is a head turner. The massive oblong-shaped leaves have a dark green texture mixed with a metallic shine and light green color underneath. The plant is considered to be a slow grower and you can see a leaf growing in around three months.

Also known as the “King Anthurium”, the plant gets its name from a London plant collected named John Veitch, who was the first to introduce this and several other tropical plants to Europe. Along with the striking foliage of the plant, you get to see how magical it looks when it starts flowering. However, you need to take care of the plant for several months in order to see those mesmerizing flowers on this plant. But the best part is that it can grow indoors with little care while maintaining a magnetic effect when placed anywhere in the home.


  • Scientific Name: Anthurium veitchii
  • Common Name: King Anthurium
  • Family: Araceae
  • Plant Type: Tropical, Epiphytic plant
  • Genus: Anthurium
  • Native Area: Columbia
  • Size: 4 to 6 feet long and 6 to 8 feet wide
  • Hardiness Zone: 10-11 USDA
  • Toxicity: Toxic for Humans and Animals
  • Propagation Method: Stem cuttings, Seeds, Division

Anthurium Veitchii Care Guide

If you have cared for other tropical plants before it might not be that hard for you to care for the King Anthurium as well. With its big glossy leaves, it might feel they are quite hard to maintain. However, they are pretty easy to be kept at your home. Here’s how you can easily take care of this plant.

  • Soil: In its natural habitat the plant grows on trees, hence it may not need soil to grow there. However, not this plant is grown at home, and thus at home, it requires soil to prosper. The ideal soil for the Anthurium Veitchii is pretty close to the commercial soil mixes for aroids. Also, the plant needs lots of airflow in the roots, so you need well-aerated soil that is also light. You can also make your own soil mix by adding 5 parts of orchid bark, 4 parts coir, 5 parts perlite, 2 parts of activated charcoal, and 2 parts of worm castings.
  • Water: Just like any other aroid, the Anthurium Veitchii does well in moist conditions. You need to water at least once a week and before that make sure that the top two-inch layer of the soil is dry to the touch. Depending on the different climate conditions in your surroundings, you may need to keep a regulated check on the plant’s soil if it has used up all the water or not. Keep in mind that when you water the plant, slowly add the water until it starts to drain out from the bottom holes, and then leave the pot to drain for at least 2 hours.
  • Light: Anthurium Veitchii is grown on the treen under the filtered light of branches and leaves; hence, it loves to thrive in bright but indirect sunlight. When put indoors, the plant should be kept at a place where it receives bright indirect light. Particularly an east-facing window would be the best for the plant that brings morning rays to your room. Avoid direct sun exposure as much as you, particularly during the afternoon when the heat is more to keep the leaves safe from any damage.
  • Temperature: Your best option for keeping your King Anthurium healthy and growing is to provide a temperate climate of the tropics. Avoid letting interior temperatures fall below 10 degrees Celsius and try to maintain temperatures between 15 and 26 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, you should keep your King Anthurium apart from anything that might freeze, burn, or dry out the foliage. Keep the leaves it already has healthy because it doesn’t produce many.
  • Humidity: Your Anthurium veitchii will flourish if you maintain humidity levels near 60 percent because it is a tropical plant that thrives best in damp, rainforest-like environments. You should take extra care to increase the humidity levels surrounding your plant if you reside in a dry environment. Daily spraying can help with this, but it doesn’t always totally address the issue, especially if you live in a warm climate where water evaporates quickly. To enhance moisture in dry conditions, you can also place a warm spray humidifier close to your plant.
  • Fertilizer: Since Anthurium veitchii only obtains a little number of nutrients from the air and tree debris, they have very little need for fertilizers. However, employ a balanced fertilizer ratio of water-soluble fertilizers, such as NPK at 14-14-14, and 12-12-12, to encourage robust and healthy development. Additionally, as they promise long-term advantages for plant growth, organic fertilizers like vermicompost and biochar can be used.

Anthurium Veitchii Propagation

Stem cuttings, seeds, and the marginally more sophisticated technique of cultured cells are frequently used in the multiplication of Anthurium veitchii. Here are some effective methods for propagating Anthurium Veitchii:

  1. Among the most effective ways to multiply most anthuriums is through stem propagation. This is accomplished by chopping off a portion of the stem that has at least three to four leaves. Afterward enabling it to take root in water or plant straight in the soil.
  2. Another method is division, which involves cutting two or more Anthurium Veitchii plants in half and selecting the portion with the most roots for ease of establishment. Usually, this is completed in the spring.

Anthurium Veitchii Varieties

There are said to be thousands of varieties of the genus Anthurium Veitchii, however, we are only going to mention some of the most popular anthurium Veitchii types here:

  • Anthurium ‘White Lady’: The popular cut-foliage and potted plant variety called Anthurium “White Lady” was created by crossing three different Anthurium species. The plant has lovely white blooms and beautiful leaves.
  • Anthurium Coriaceum: The dark-green, paddle-shaped group of leaves on the Anthurium coriaceum has a delicate pattern with a pronounced central vein. The length of each blade can vary between 2 to 4 feet.
  • Anthurium hookeri: Any landscape with a tropical theme would benefit from having this kind of anthurium species. The plant has long, dark-green foliage that can reach lengths of up to 2 feet.


The impressiveness of this regal plant belies its ease of maintenance. This makes it an excellent houseplant investment because you receive a beautiful plant without putting in a lot of effort. If you’ve taken care of other aroids before, Anthurium veitchii is a fantastic plant for novice to experienced indoor plant keepers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How fast does Anthurium Veitchii grow?

The king anthurium grows at a rather slow rate. According to reports, under ideal circumstances, it takes a few months for new shoots to sprout foliage.

Q2: What are some common problems with the plant?

When the plant is not maintained properly, the user may come across problems like drooping leaves, cracked leaves, and yellowing leaves, and it may invite pests or insects as well.

Q3: How to revive a dying Anthurium Veitchii plant?

If the plant has grown root-bound, repot the plant and provide it with enough light. Only water when necessary, and remove the dead foliage and blossoms.

By Greenkosh