Importance of Indoor Farming Without Soil/Hydroponic System

There are many different reasons why you should consider choosing indoor farming without soil. First, you will be able to overcome space constraints such as growing vegetables in your home garden through the hydroponic system, which means the technique of growing vegetables in water without using soil. In this particular case, roots are submerged in water nutrition solution, while the upper parts are above water. These vegetables and plants are considered healthier because it eliminates soil-borne pests, bacteria, and any weeds. You will be able to use hydroponics indoors and enjoy growing fresh fruits and vegetables all year-round.

You just have to put vegetable plant seeds in grow box that is made of rock wool cubes. Place all cubes in a small container that has to be filled with one inch of water so that plants could remain moist and that will lead to successful seed sprouting. As soon as seeding reach two inches and roots come up through sides, it is ready to transplant it into the hydroponic container. You have to place it where all your plants can receive optimum ventilation and temperature. You can also use earthen crocks, glass tanks, fiberglass or metal contains. It is important to understand that all vegetable plants have to be in temperature between 55 and 70 degrees F.

It is important to cut holes in the lid with a scissor and to do it as many seedlings you have so that you can have perfect hydrofarm that has enough stem expansion. Just prepare a platform with hardware wire cloth or chicken wire and put it on the top of the container in order to cover all holes. The platform has to be coated with asphalt-based paint. You will be able to buy everything in the local hydroponic store without any additional problem.

Water has to be filled with nutrient solutions, and in order to prepare your own nutrient solution you have to combine two teaspoons of ammonium phosphate, ½ teaspoons of calcium nitrate, four teaspoons of potassium nitrate and four teaspoons of magnesium sulfate in 10 gallons of water in order to create the perfect macro nutrient environment. It is important also to add a combination of 1/10 teaspoon of manganese and 1 ¼ of boric acid. Add this mixture to the 10 gallons of macro nutrient water solution. In the same time, it is important to add a half teaspoon of chelated iron in one quart of water and use it as an addition to your macronutrient solution for your water farm.

It is important to test the pH level of your nutrient solution with an indicator that you can buy in every pharmacy. Vegetable plants love acidic solution which means that pH level has to be between 5.5 and 6.5. If the pH level is above 7 using sulfuric acid to reduce the level, and in case that level is below 5.5 just add sodium hydroxide.

By making your own indoor garden could help you grow your own GMO-free vegetables, fruits, and hydroponic plants, however, you just have to be persistent and everything will be perfect.

By Greenkosh

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